I mentioned Brigham Young’s encrypted journal entry online recently, identifying the cipher with Royal Arch freemasonry. But to my surprise, one LDS apologist (writing under an anonymous pseudonym and claiming to be Mason) denied that the cipher Young employed was even a Royal Arch cipher at all:
Folks, this is NOT the Royal Arch cipher--no matter who says it is. There are no closed triangles in the Royal Arch cipher used all over America and most of England (only one Chapter in England of which I am aware ever used closed triangles, and that was Friendship Chapter, R.A.M., in 1769, but even these differed from what is in the above scan of the journal), nor are there intersected characters such as like a ┴ symbol therein in the Royal Arch cipher. It may be based upon a Royal Arch cipher but it is more likely based upon a similar form of cipher upon which Royal Arch cipher is derived, having a common but divergent source. Even the Royal Arch cipher is said to be based upon a previously existing cipher scheme. [4]
The Royal Arch cipher used in the United States is actually a variation of a Hebrew Qabalistic cipher known as aiq beker or "the Qabalah of Nine Chambers." {24}
{fn. 24} Compare Francis Barrett, The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer (London: Lackington, Allen and Co., 1801), 2:65 (illus. fac. p. 66); E.A.W. Budge, Amulets and Superstitions (London: Oxford University Press, 1930), pp. 402-405; S.L. MacGregor Mathers, The Kabbalah Unvailed (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1926), p. 10. As an amusing side-note, I add that while writing the first version of this paper (1992) my then nine-year-old son presented me a message in the R.A. cipher which he hoped would confound me. When I asked him for the source he retrieved A Big Color Activity Book: Nintendo Super Mario Bros. (Racine, Wisconsin: Western Publishing Co., 1989), p. 42. So much for Masonic secrecy! [5]
He additionally posted an image of a source that Arturo de Hoyos had cited—a page found in Francis Barrett’s The Magus (1801):

Being intreagued by this apologetic, I decided to further research Brigham Young’s cipher. As luck would have it, Arturo de Hoyos was the first scholar to have translated Young’s journal entry. De Hoyos decoded the entry as follows:
I spent about an hour, toying around with the entry and translation. My hypotheses being: 1) the inverted "T" figures were just that—inverted T's; 2) the triangles were actually the V-shaped characters (having the third line drawn to make them complete triangles). I then drew the template for the Royal Arch cipher key, and compared Arturo de Hoyos' translation to the characters in Brigham Young's journal entry, to see where they fell (plugging in my results, later filling in missing letters not found in the journal entry). My hoped for result: that the letters would appear on the grid in an alphabetical order, and therefore show (at least) a dependence on the Royal Arch cipher.I WAS TAKEN INTO THE LODGE
J SMITH W[eded]A[nd]S[ealed] AGNESS[6]
The results[7] of my experiment:

The S-Z portion of the key:
1) letter "T" was removed from the sequence and simply inverted
2) the V-shaped characters are completed as triangles
3) the triangles were reversed (pointing in opposite directions)
It is also notable that Brigham Young made a few careless errors while encrypting his journal entry: He correctly encrypted the "H" when writing "SMITH", but messed up when writing "THE". He correctly encrypted the "S" when writing "SMITH", "WAS", and "WAS" (a second time as an acronym for "WEDDED AND SEALED"), but then messed up when writing "AGNESS". He messed up both of the times that he encrypted "O"; when writing "INTO" and "LODGE".
The journal entry had five errors out of thirty-six characters—92.8% correct. This percentage is comparable to an encrypted text found on this[8] Royal Arch medal:
One can see that this Royal Arch cipher key above is slightly different than the one Oliver Huntington recorded in his diary. As it turns out, several (if not countless) versions of the Royal Arch cipher exist—a fact that severely undermines the apologist’s argument, which assumed that Brigham Young’s cipher wasn’t a “Royal Arch” cipher at all, simply because it was different from the one he (the apologist) was most familiar with.
Although other forms of the Royal Arch cipher can be listed here, I will instead share an email[9] that I received from Arturo de Hoyos, the historian that the apologist relied upon to challenge my initial claim (posted with permission):
Yes, I am the person who first decoded Brigham Young's January 6, 1842 journal entry. It was indeed written in a form of the Royal Arch cipher. However, there are many permutations of this substitution cipher. The letters may be placed in almost order in order to make it more secure. I believe that Brigham rearranged the letters for this very reason.The Masonic exposures of the Morgan episode merely revealed the *simplest* and *most common* forms. You note that you have been unable to find a form with all the symbols used. Subsequent to decoding the diary entry I have seen manuscripts which employ all the symbols Brigham used. It is, in essence, quite unsophisticated.
I'm happy that you've enjoyed "Committed to the Flames." It was a fun project.
Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross, KYCH
Grand Archivist and Grand Historian
Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
I'm not quite sure about your arguement with the apologist. Is this over whether or not BY's code was from Royal Arch Masonry or another text? If so, I think the apologist might be correct. If BY's code was based on The Magus text, which he surely had access to. Quinn deftly demonstrated that Joseph Smith specifically had access to The Magus and used it to create family parchments and his Jupiter medallion. But maybe I'm missing something about the argument?
ReplyDeleteHello MisterCurie,
ReplyDeleteBrigham Young didn't base his cipher on the one found in the Magus text. He used the Royal Arch cipher. Yes... I agree that early Mormons had access to occult publications like Barrett's The Magus... but (again) this wasn't the basis for Young's cipher. The encrypted text for letters A-R matches the Royal Arch cipher recorded in Oliver Huntington's diary. The cipher found in the Magus can't be used to decode Brigham Young's journal entry. Not in the slightest. If you think otherwise, then feel free to provide a translation using the Magus key.
This is very interesting. I am currently reading a book entitled, "Divine Pymander" by Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus - apparently an ancient English translation printed in 1871. It is a Rosicrucian publication. I have always wondered if there ever was a Rosicrucian connection or influence involving J.S.
ReplyDeleteIf you have some time I would ask you to explain what it is that you're presenting here implies as pertaining to Mormonism (I am just not getting it).
Hi Paul.
ReplyDeleteThe possible relationship between Brigham Young’s cipher and Royal Arch freemasonry is of particular interest, as it provides additional evidence to confirm that the Saints indeed had access to secrets of Royal Arch freemasonry before Joseph Smith was formally initiated (on March 15, 1842), and before the Nauvoo endowment was introduced shortly thereafter (May 4, 1842). As you may know... Royal Arch freemasonry contains several of the strongest masonic parallels to the LDS temple endowment, and therefore appears to be a probable source from which Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (who, with the help of Wilford Woodruff and others, revised the endowment after Smith’s death) drew their inspiration. Thanks for your comment and question.
I followed this particular diatribe on Mormon Apologetics. It gave me a HUGE belly laugh when he started to quote from Freemasonry in Context: History, Ritual, Controversy. I knew exactly where he was getting his information and that Arturo de Hoyos had been the one to translate Brigham Young's journal. What was even more humorous was when he posted pages from A Big Color Activity Book: Nintendo Super Mario Bros to help prove his point.
ReplyDeleteClinton Bartholomew
ReplyDeleteI am the Author of the paper Brigham Young's Masonic Connection and Nauvoo plural Marriages. I am also a friend of Art deHoyos, who translated the January 6th, 1842 passage written in Brigham young's diary.
We DO NOT know WHO wrote this entry in Brigham Young's diary. It was probably written in Brigham Young's diary by Heber C. Kimball who was present for the sealing of Joseph Smith and Agness Smith on this date, Willard Richards was probably also present.
Light on Masonry was published in 1829 and contains a version of the Royal Arch Masonic Cypher, in my paper I cite a number of printed instances where the Royal Arch Cypher was printed prior to 1842,therefore making the books available to the public.
If one reads Brigham Young's diary for 1837 - 1845 on page 84, Brigham Writes 15 Jan 1845, the last "ME" (Marriage for Eternity) "at Br J.B. Nobles Saw (Sealed and Wedded) Sister Mary Ann Clark ." Brigham Young Married or sealed J.B. Noble and sister Mary Ann Clark on this date.
If one reads Brigham Young's , Heber C. Kimball, Willard Richards (Joseph smith diary after June 27, 1844) and William Clayton's diary one finds the terms or initials SAW Sealed and Wedded or WAS Wedded and Sealed for a number of dates between August 1844 to January 1846, there are a number of instances where these acronyms are used for plural marriages.
Any other questions?
Author and Historian,
Tim Rathbone
Thanks for this Tim.