To begin this post, perhaps a quick note is appropriate: It is my position that no clear cut line between magic and religion exists. The two categories overlap in many ways. A minority group of scholars argue that this overlap, coupled with the fact that the word has been tinged by polemic use, is justification enough to abandon the word magic altogether. I, however, side with the majority of scholars who remain convinced that both terms can be useful in academic discourse. The word magic should not be thrown away any more than the word religion should be. But with that being said, I do share the concern that the word has been tinged by a polemic past. For this reason, I have favored the more nuanced appellation folk-magic when discussing the magical practices of early Mormons.
A walking cane that Joseph Smith Jr. used when attending formal occasions in Nauvoo, has been an object of controversy in Mormon scholarship over the past two decades. The cane is carved in the shape of a serpent, having (among other things) a shield with Joseph Smith’s initials (“J S”) engraved into it.
Historian D. Michael Quinn, in his ground breaking book Early Mormonism and the Magic World View, argues that this symbolism on the cane reveals Joseph Smith’s belief and involvement in astrology and talismanic magic. Quinn brings his reader’s attention to an “x” on the crown found directly above the shield, and says that although some may think this is Saint Andrew’s cross, there are no other Christian symbols on the cane—unless you interpret the serpent as a symbol of the devil (which he thinks unlikely)—and so it is more probable that the “x” is instead the magic sigil of Jupiter.[1]
[A]s he [Moses] lifted up the brazen serpent in the wilderness, even so shall he be lifted up who should come. And as many as should look upon that serpent should live, even so as many as should look upon the Son of God with faith, having a contrite spirit, might live, even unto that life which is eternal.[4]
This tau, tau cross, or tau mark, was of very universal use as a sacred symbol among the ancients… [I]t is a sign of salvation; according to Talmudists, the symbol was much older than the time of Ezekiel, for they say that when Moses anointed Aaron as the high priest, he marked his forehead with this sign.[7]

With a large portion of the simple-hearted people in the agricultural districts of the country, from the earliest ages there has been an implicit belief in the powers and virtues of the Divining Rod—either for the discovery of water, mines, or hidden treasures. This belief, it would seem, has originated from the wonderful powers of the miraculous rod in the hands of Moses and Aaron, imparted to it by the Almighty. Their rod was made from a simply twig of the almond tree; with this, water was discovered and brought forth from the flinty rock.[12]
Now this is not all thy gift; for you have another gift, which is the gift of Aaron; behold, it has told you many things; Behold, there is no other power, save the power of God, that can cause this gift of Aaron to be with you. Therefore, doubt not, for it is the gift of God; and you shall hold it in your hands, and do marvelous works; and no power shall be able to take it away out of your hands, for it is the work of God.[14]
The passage evolves in the following sequence:
“which is the gift of working with the sprout” --> “which
is the gift of working with the rod” --> “which is the gift of Aaron”
“thing of nature” --> “rod of nature” --> “gift of Aaron”
The editing of this passage removed wording that would have otherwise helped readers to understand that Oliver Cowdery was actually using a divining-rod during the translation process. Consequently many Mormons now assume that the “gift” was merely the Aaronic Priesthood, and nothing more—an interpretation that would (although inaccurate) certainly be more consistent with currant Mormon orthopraxy. Needless to say, the editing of this passage was likely motivated by an increased desire to disassociate Mormonism from its past involvement in folk-magic.
What a fascinating example this is, showing the evolution of Mormon thought and culture!
[1]. See Quinn, Early Mormonism and the Magic World View (Salt Lake City: Signature, 1998), 90-91.
[2]. Numbers 21:6-9, KJV. An article (on the duality of serpent symbolism in scripture) that may be of interest to readers (particularly to those who are believing Latter-day Saints), would be Andrew C. Skinner’s “Savior, Satan, and Serpent: The Duality of a Symbol in the Scriptures,” The Disciple as Scholar: Essays on Scripture and the Ancient World, in Honor of Richard Lloyd Anderson (Provo: FARMS, 2000), 359-384.
[3]. John 3:14-15, KJV.
[4]. Helaman 8:15.
[5]. Exodus 7:9-12, KJV.
[6]. Mark C. Carnes, Secret Ritual and Manhood in Victorian America (Yale University Press, 1989), 44.
[7]. Albert G. Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, 791 (Philadelphia: Moss & Company, 1879), http://books.google.com/books?id=fAgIAAAAQAAJ&pg= (accessed November 7, 2008).
[8]. Ibid., 72.
[9]. Carnes, Secret Ritual and Manhood, 6. This eclecticism fits the prophet Joseph Smith like a glove. The prophet taught, “One of the grand fundamental principles of ‘Mormonism’ is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may.” Joseph Smith (July 9, 1843), History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 5: 499.
[10]. Allen G. Debus, “Scientific Truth and Occult Tradition: The Medical World of Ebenezer Sibley (1751-1799),” Medical History 26 (1982): 261. A French anti-Mason reports, “To captivate their [Ginii’s/angels] favor, the Cabalistic Mason is to study what we should call the Conjuring-book. He must be well versed in the names and signs of the planets and constellations; he must also know whether it be a good or evil Genius which presides over it, and which are the numbers that represent them… [T]he Cabalistic Mason will be favoured by these good and evil Gennii, in proportion to the confidence he has in their power; they will appear to him, and they will explain more to him in the magic table, than the human understanding can conceive.” Abbe Baurrl, Memoirs, Illustrating the History of Jacobinism: A Translation from the French of The Abbe Barruel 2 (New York, 1799): 182-83, http://books.google.com/books?id=v-wvAAAAMAAJ (accessed November 16, 2008).
[11]. Clyde R. Frosberg Jr., Equal Rights: The Book of Mormon, Masonry, Gender, and American Culture (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004), 47. Frosberg also overlooks the inverted cross.
[12]. “A History of the Divining Rod; With the Adventures of an Old Rodsman,” The United States Democratic Review 26, no. 141 (March 1850): 218, http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/moa/moa-cgi?notisid=AGD1642-0026-66 (accessed March 27, 2009); as also quoted in Seth L. Bryant, “Latter-Day Anguish and the Epic of greater Mormonism,” (master’s thesis, University of Florida, December 2008), 91. For more information on divining rods and Joseph Smith’s activities in treasure hunting, see Ronald W. Walker, “The Persisting Idea of American Treasure Hunting,” BYU Studies 24, no. 3 (Fall 1984): 429-59.
[13]. Book of Commandments 7:3.
[14]. Doctrine and Covenants 8:6-8.
[15]. The Joseph Smith Papers: Revelations and Translations, Manuscript Revelation Books (Salt Lake City: The Church Historian’s Press, 2009), 16-17.
Images (in order as presented in this post):
Joseph Smith’s serpent walking cane, from Clyde R. Forsberg Jr.’s Equal Rights: The Book of Mormon, Masonry, Gender, and American Culture, 48. Photograph taken by D. Michael Quinn.
Masonic Mark Jewel (1812), from Masonic Symbols in American Decorative Arts, fig 27.
Photo taken by author of Joseph Smith's serpent walking cane, on display at the Museum of Church History and Art.
Close up photo taken by author of the shield on Joseph Smith's cane.
Scan of an image provided in Joseph Smith Papers: Revelations and Translations, Manuscript Revelation Books (Facsimile Edition), 16.
2 July 2010 Edit--Removed Misinterpreted BoM Quote.
Fascinating stuff, Mike!
ReplyDeleteThe symbols on the cane have nothing to do with Jesus Christ; to say otherwise would be a stretch at the very least. Joseph Smith's cane is pure Masonic and the occult.
ReplyDeleteWe agree that the cane has relevance to both freemasonry and folk-magic. But you also assert that it has "Nothing to do with Jesus Christ". Really? What makes you say that? Didn't you read my evidence to the contrary? By all means, if you find my argument weak, provide a rebuttal of some sort. If you have counter-evidence to refute my position, please present it to me. Unsupported denials won't convince me of my error. I hope you understand.
Best regards,
Dear Mike,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to thank you for you comments. I have a few additional notes that connect this cane with Masonry. First thing I would like to share with you is an anecdotal experience of my own. Our local lodge recently sold the building we were in and I volunteered to help clean out the place. The building housed two local Blue Lodges, the Eastern Star, and our local Royal Arch chapter. In cleaning I came across a beautifully carved cane with a rounded handle that had a snake head carved into it and had scales carved along the length of the cane. My first thought was of Joseph Smith's cane :-)
While you mentioned other aspects of the RA degree having to do with the the Rod of Aaron, you missed one important aspect. From what information I was able to gather [note I am not a RAM] the cane that I saw is used in our Royal Arch Chapter in conjunction with Sign for the Master of the First Veil. For example see in Duncan's Ritual (http://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/dun/dun08.htm). I am unsure how widespread is the use of such a prop.
In conjunction with this I think it is also necessary to take under consideration the case of Heber C. Kimball. After becoming a Master Mason in Victor Lodge #303 in New York, Kimball tried repeatedly to become a RAM but was thwarted by anti-masonic activity in the area.
Kimball considered the acquisition of a [Masonic] rod to be of great importance and the motif showed up in his dreams.
"While crossing the sea I dreamed that the Prophet Joseph Smith came to me while I was standing upon the forecastle of the ship, and said, 'Brother Heber, here is a rod (putting it into my hands) with which you are to guide the ship; while you hold this rod, you shall prosper and there shall be no obstacles thrown before you, but what you shall have power to overcome and the hand of God shall be with you;' after this I discovered every kinds of obstruction would be placed before the ship to stop its progress, but the bow being sharp, the obstacles were compelled to move out one side like a bullrush, and when the ship would come to a mountain, it would plow through, as though it were water. This rod which Joseph gave me was about three and a half feet in length. His appearance was just as natural as I ever beheld him in the flesh: he blessed me and disappeared." (Millennial Star, 26:599)
Later in his life Kimball also used a rod in conjunction with the Holy Order of Prayer, which of course has Masonic roots. Kimball recorded in his Journal:
It is 9 Oclock. Elder White has gon to bed. Last nite I clothed my self and offered up the Sines of the Holy Preasthood and called one the name of the Lord. He hurd me fore my heart was mad[e] comfortable. I inquired by the rod. It was said my family was well, that my wife would come to me in the East, and that Congress would not do anny thing fore us. I do not care wheather they do or not. It is none of thares to give. My Father in heaven owns it all and he will give it to, so let them go to thare own place. Good nite. I must go to bed. (Kimball, 65)
I hope this further information helps.
Clinton Bartholomew
Fraternity Lodge 262, Ann Arbor, MI.
Michigan Lodge of Research, Detroit, MI.
Valley of Detroit (32°) (NMJ)
Scottish Rite Research Society (SMJ)
Yes, Clinton. It is very helpful. Thank you! Just last week I found an image of a serpent staff/rod in the book "Material Culture of the American Freemasons," ed. John D. Hamilton (Lexington, Massachusetts: Museum of Our National Heritage, 1994), 85. I will research this further, and may later decide to submit an article for publication somewhere. When and if I do, I will be sure to give you the proper credit in my footnotes. Thanks again.
Mike- This would be a good concise paper. I am thrilled you found a source for this in Hamilton. I made a search myself but without success. If you would like a critical eye from someone who is versed in both traditions then I would love to help.
ReplyDeleteI recently read that 'X' was the first letter of the Greek word for 'Christ', and that is the origin of it's use as an abbreviation in the word 'Xmas'. Since then I have ceased being 'paranoid' about the use of 'X' as an abbreviation. The following website explains many types of symbols, including those you describe on these rods, and the quotation following is from it:
"Ichthus (ikh-thoos) or ichthys is the Greek word simply meaning “fish”.
The Greek spelling for ichthus is -- Iota, Chi, Theta, Upsilon, and Sigma. The English translation is IXOYE. The five Greek letters stand for the words meaning, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” The Greek rendering is, “Iesous Christos, Theou Uios, Soter”."
Re. masonry: if it's origins go back to Hiram of Tyre and the masons who built Soloman's temple, is it any wonder there are similarities? I don't see a problem....
Kia ora tatou,
(ie: Thanks and greetings to all)
ReplyDeleteI am blown away by your work on this subject. The inverted cross is worth the price of admission!
Not sure if you have heard about Rick Grunder's "Mormon Parallels" (MP), but the work is ground breaking on the level of your work.
MP has thirty of forty listed works about the rod of nature. Many having to do with Masonry. One of the more interesting quotes come from a work by Barbara Simon called "Hope of Israel", 1829
Here is a short quote from this work:
The Indians have an old tradition, that when they left their own native land, they
brought with them a sanctified rod, by order of an oracle, which they fixed every
evening in the ground, and were to remove from place to place on the continent
towards the sun rising, till it budded in one night's time. . . . Instead of the
miraculous direction, to which they limit it, in their western banishment, it
appears more likely that they refer to the ancient circumstance of the rod of
Aaron . . . [p. 92]
Fantastic! Thanks for directing me to this quote. I will try to see if I can quickly fit this into my manuscript before I submit it. As it turns out, a very generous friend/scholar sent me Rick Grunder's DVD two weeks ago, and I agree with your high regard for the work. Although I can't say that Grunder's massive 2000+ paged tome should in any way be compared to the level of my research, I am truly flattered at the compliment. Thank you, Joe!
ReplyDeleteTo other readers of this blog, if you can afford it, Rick Grunder's "Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source" is priceless. Only second to my Selected Collection of the LDS Church History Archives DVD's, this is one of the greatest Mormon studies resources that I now own.
Correction: Rick Grunder's "Mormon Parallels" is on CD, not DVD.
ReplyDeleteMore information about this priceless resource can be found here: http://www.rickgrunder.com/parallels.htm
The other day I was looking up information on one of my great great grandfathers, Henry Weeks Sanderson. I came across this article in the Liahona.
When Joseph Smith left for Carthage jail, "Henry saw Joseph shake hands and exchange canes with a stranger. Then Joseph rode away."
I wonder what significance this has. I wonder who the stranger was.